Wednesday, March 7, 2007

7 азийн тоо мөн үү?

Монголчууд 7-ийн тоог дордохын 7 хэмээн дургүй тоондоо оруулдаг. Гэвч 7 гэдэг тоо маань азийн тоо юм байна.

  • There is on a Scottish Mason's apron seven tassels on each side and when the apron was placed around me for the very first time these same seven tassels intrigued me so much that it led me to the field of research of our Great Order.

  • Ихэнх эртний систэмд 7-ийн тоо их давтагдаж орсон байдаг байна.

  • Pythagorean-chuud 7-ийн тоог төгс тоо хэмээн үздэг байна. Учир нь 7=4+3 -ын нийлбэр болдог бөгөөд энэ нь төгс хэлбэртэй тэгш өнтцөгт , гурвалжинг илэрхийлдэг гэж үздэг байна.

  • Долоон эртний гариг байсан. Нар нь хамгийн гайхалтай нь бөгөөд түүний дараа нь сар ордог байна. 7 дох өдөр бур гялалзсан сайхан байдлаа өөрчилдөг байна.

  • In Persian mysteries there were seven spacious caverns through which the aspirants had to pass.

  • The Goths had seven deities, as did the Romans, from whose names are derived our days of the week.

  • In Scriptural history there is a frequent recurrence to this number. E.g. in Revelation 1:16 -- "and He had in His right hand seven stars, " alluding to the seven churches of Asia. (The seven stars are depicted on a RWM's apron in the Scottish Constitution).

  • For us as Masons, King Solomon was seven years building the Temple. It was dedicated to the glory of God in the seventh month and the festival lasted seven days.

  • There are, as you stated, Brother Chris, our seven liberal arts and sciences.

  • We require seven Brethren to make a Lodge perfect and we have our seven steps on the winding staircase.

  • Reverting back to the Masonic apron, in the course of time aprons became embellished with much ornamentation until the present form of apron was instituted. There was no deliberation on the part of our ancient Brethren to place seven tassels on each side of the apron because the number seven has and probably always will be a sacred number in Masonic symbolism.

  • ***********************************************************
    Азын тоо олдог алгоритм ( PL/I хэл дээр бичлээ.)

    proc options(main);
    dcl i fixed dec(5);
    dcl stVar3 fixed dec(5);
    dcl stVar2 fixed dec(5);
    dcl limit fixed dec(5);

    get list(limit);

    do i=1 to limit;

    if(mod(i,2)=1) then
    if(stVar3!=3) then
    if(stVar2!=7) then
    put skip list("Lucky number",i);
    else stVar2=1;
    else do;


    The result is : 1 3 7 9 13 15 21 23 27 29 33 35 41 43 47 49 ... etc.

    Ene hayagnaas ta bvhen C bolon C++ helnii function library-iin tuhai unshij bolno.


    Batsuren said...

    haana gedgees l shaltgaalah yum bish uu?

    Batsuren said...

    tegeed bodood baih yum bol too bolgon "utga uchirtai" bolj bolno shdee. 4 toony tuhai, esvel 13 toony tuhai buhel buten niitlel yum uu bur nom bichij boloh baih aa.

    My realization said...

    Bvh too uchirtai baidag. Bi neg site-hayag tavii. tend toon deer darahaar tuhain tooni medeelel gardag um.
    geh met enenees ih medeelel gardag site bsan. Odoo ajilaa hiilee. Oroi olduul comment vldeechii.